Natural Strength Night is an informative, humorous, sometimes a little raucous, good-time of myth busting and honest training
information from the trenches. We strive to help everyone involved with old school strength training (without steroids) to not make some common training mistakes. Along with great information, you'll hear a fair share of steroid bashing, flamingo sightings, breaking goons, iron game history, and honest drug-free training information from various leaders and strength coaches in the field to help you get real results! If your primary training information comes from reading "Muscle & Fiction" magazine we'll help get you straightened out. If you love high-intensity strength training, dinosaur style training and just like lifting heavy weights ... or loved Jack Lalanne, Sandow, Grimek, Peary Rader's Iron Man magazine, Brad Steiner's articles, Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer, Iron Nation, Osmo Kiiha's The Iron Master, you will love the show. On The Rugged Individual, we talk about obscene subjects like: success, motivation, liberty, Americana, capitalism, Jesus, self defense, guns, sports, eating meat, testicular fortitude and whatever the host wants. Relax. Here we are still a free country. The Rugged Individual... where good people roam.

Jedd Johnson Diesel Crew Grip Strength Richard Sorin Captain of Crush Inch Dumbell Blob Pinch Grip Red Nail Fat Bastard Barbell Atlas Stone - Jedd Johnson interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 37) - 13 May 17


Tonight our guest is Jedd Johnson. Jedd is owner of The Diesel Crew, widely recognized as a world leader in Grip Strength and for strength & Conditioning of athletes as well.  I’ve been Facebook friends with Jedd for several years, but I’ve known about Jedd for about 15 years mainly through my good friend Dan Cenidoza (who can be heard on episode #34.) The night I had Dan on my D.C. radio show as a guest, Jedd and The Diesel Crew flooded us with calls.

Jedd is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and is a regular speaker at the Pennsylvania NSCA Clinic. He has written numerous articles on Grip training, Strongman Training and Athletic Strength & Conditioning for Straight to the Bar, The Diesel Crew and others.

Jedd is Not a “Grip Only" guy. He is whole body strong and can lift heavy. He has lifted a 400 pound Atlas Stone and has put close to 350 pounds overhead. He has competed in, and won, many Grip and Strongman contests as well.

He is an Iron Mind Certified Captain of Crush. He has lifted the 50 pound Blob, pinched two 45-pound plates, deadlifted the Inch Replica dumbell with one hand, bent the IronMind Red Nail and the Fat Bastard Barbell’s Grand Bastard Nail, as well as several other renowned grip feats.

To contact Jedd, Visit the website: … That’s Diesel Crew Dot Com.

Jedd, It’s great to have you on the show and welcome to Natural Strength Night.