Natural Strength Night is an informative, humorous, sometimes a little raucous, good-time of myth busting and honest training
information from the trenches. We strive to help everyone involved with old school strength training (without steroids) to not make some common training mistakes. Along with great information, you'll hear a fair share of steroid bashing, flamingo sightings, breaking goons, iron game history, and honest drug-free training information from various leaders and strength coaches in the field to help you get real results! If your primary training information comes from reading "Muscle & Fiction" magazine we'll help get you straightened out. If you love high-intensity strength training, dinosaur style training and just like lifting heavy weights ... or loved Jack Lalanne, Sandow, Grimek, Peary Rader's Iron Man magazine, Brad Steiner's articles, Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer, Iron Nation, Osmo Kiiha's The Iron Master, you will love the show. On The Rugged Individual, we talk about obscene subjects like: success, motivation, liberty, Americana, capitalism, Jesus, self defense, guns, sports, eating meat, testicular fortitude and whatever the host wants. Relax. Here we are still a free country. The Rugged Individual... where good people roam.

Old School Weight Training, Mental Aspects, Big Arms, Powerlifting, Christian Iron - Dave Yarnell interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 31) - 13 April 16


Tonight our guest is one of the top muscle writers of our time, Dave Yarnell. Dave is a true dyed in the wool iron game expert and historian. He has spent 43 years in the lifting trenches, started weight training at age 12, and since then has read almost every book and magazine related to the subject. He has also competed in Powerlifting for close to 30 years and has some impressive lifts. He has written for Powerlifting USA, Natural and others.

But its his books … that really make Dave shine.

Dave has written 14 great iron game books. Just to name a few, … his titles include: King Squat: Rise to Power, … Forgotten Secrets of the Old Time Strong Men, ... Getting In The Zone: The Mental Aspects of Strength Training Revealed, … The Old School Strength Training Secrets Bible, … The Illustrated Old School Muscle Building Secrets Manual, and several others that I’ll mention in my questions.

Dave is a well rounded guy and has other passions too including conservative politics and fishing. He is a writer for a fishing magazine. Dave is also a devout Christian. He has a great website called Christian

Dave, its great to have you on the show and welcome to Natural Strength Night.

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