Natural Strength Night is an informative, humorous, sometimes a little raucous, good-time of myth busting and honest training
information from the trenches. We strive to help everyone involved with old school strength training (without steroids) to not make some common training mistakes. Along with great information, you'll hear a fair share of steroid bashing, flamingo sightings, breaking goons, iron game history, and honest drug-free training information from various leaders and strength coaches in the field to help you get real results! If your primary training information comes from reading "Muscle & Fiction" magazine we'll help get you straightened out. If you love high-intensity strength training, dinosaur style training and just like lifting heavy weights ... or loved Jack Lalanne, Sandow, Grimek, Peary Rader's Iron Man magazine, Brad Steiner's articles, Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer, Iron Nation, Osmo Kiiha's The Iron Master, you will love the show. On The Rugged Individual, we talk about obscene subjects like: success, motivation, liberty, Americana, capitalism, Jesus, self defense, guns, sports, eating meat, testicular fortitude and whatever the host wants. Relax. Here we are still a free country. The Rugged Individual... where good people roam.

Ken Mannie, High Intensity Training, Strength and Conditioning, Dan Riley, Coaching, Leadership - Ken Mannie interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 30) - 17 February 16


Tonight our guest is one of the best strength & conditioning coaches in the world, if not the best, my friend Ken Mannie. I’ve known Ken for over 20 years. He wrote a great chapter in Iron Nation called: Steel City Tough. We’ll be talking about that later. Ken has been a big help to me in my career … with websites, books …. you name it. When I started, way back in 1999, Ken encouraged me more than anyone. I still remember him saying .. “If you build it… they will come.” … There is no one in this field that I appreciate more and respect more than Ken Mannie.

Ken is a 42 year coaching veteran and is now in his 22nd year as the head strength & conditioning coach at Michigan State University.

If I read all of his awards and credentials we would be here all day. His great bio could be a book, ... but just to name just a few: He has a masters degree in exercise science from Ohio State University, and also holds several certifications. In July 2014, he was inducted into the USA Collegiate Strength & Conditioning Coaches Hall of Fame.

Ken is also a prolific writer. He has written hundreds of articles for: Coach and Athletic Director, Championship Performance, and many others.

Ken is an advisor for: Athletic Strength and Power, Ultimate Strength and Conditioning and more.

He is also a consultant to several NFL teams. He has coached numerous All-Americans, and many players who have gone on to have highly successful NFL careers.

To describe Ken as a dynamic speaker is an understatement. I’ve never seen one better. If you ever get a chance to see him speak at a clinic, … you gotta go! He is super high-energy, speaks from the heart, and he’ll keep your mind glued to every word he says. His enthusiasm is contagious and its easy to see why his players love him.

Ken, its an Honor to have you on the show and welcome to Natural Strength Night.
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