Natural Strength Night is an informative, humorous, sometimes a little raucous, good-time of myth busting and honest training
information from the trenches. We strive to help everyone involved with old school strength training (without steroids) to not make some common training mistakes. Along with great information, you'll hear a fair share of steroid bashing, flamingo sightings, breaking goons, iron game history, and honest drug-free training information from various leaders and strength coaches in the field to help you get real results! If your primary training information comes from reading "Muscle & Fiction" magazine we'll help get you straightened out. If you love high-intensity strength training, dinosaur style training and just like lifting heavy weights ... or loved Jack Lalanne, Sandow, Grimek, Peary Rader's Iron Man magazine, Brad Steiner's articles, Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer, Iron Nation, Osmo Kiiha's The Iron Master, you will love the show. On The Rugged Individual, we talk about obscene subjects like: success, motivation, liberty, Americana, capitalism, Jesus, self defense, guns, sports, eating meat, testicular fortitude and whatever the host wants. Relax. Here we are still a free country. The Rugged Individual... where good people roam.

Osmo Kiiha, The Iron Master, Growing up in Finland, 418 Clean and Jerk, Bob Hise, Homer Brannum, Vince Gironda - Osmo Kiiha Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 23) - 05 Mar 15


Tonight, I'm honored to have as our guest Osmo Kiiha. Osmo is one of the most respected and knowledgeable guys in every aspect of the Iron Game. From training knowledge, to competing, to the history, Osmo is second to none. He is also my best friend in the Iron Game. I’ve been talking to Osmo regularly for around 25 years and I consider him a brother. He is my “go to guy" whenever I have a question about Iron Game History.

In addition to being a true gentleman and a first class guy, Osmo ranks as pound for pound one of the strongest Iron Game Guys too. At the age of 21 years old, Osmo cleaned and jerked 418 pounds. He competed in the 1968 Senior nationals in the 198 pound class. At the age of only 21 years old, he retired from competitions. Who knows what he could have done if he kept competing for another 10 years or so. He probably would have been a world champion.

Osmo is the founder and editor of THE IRON MASTER magazine which ran from 1989 to 2000. It was one of the highest quality and most informative Iron Game History magazines of all time. I’m proud to have written many articles for THE IRON MASTER. Osmo is also one of the worlds foremost experts on the history of Physical Culture and the Iron Game. He has one of the largest Iron Game memorabilia collections in the world and his house is literally a museum. He will tell us a lot about his vast collection tonight. Osmo, its an honor to speak with you again and welcome to Natural Strength Night.
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